Flight attendant advises: "Don't sleep by the window" and "better not wear shorts"

Flying needs to be learned: There are some things that you should pay attention to on board an aircraft.Of course, nobody knows that better than someone whose job is an airplane and who knows exactly what is going on behind the scenes.The Tikok-User @Tommycimato is someone like this: he works as a flight attendant and reports on his experiences on the video platform.

In a video, Tommy revealed some things that should avoid passengers during a flight if possible.His five tips and tricks primarily aim at the hygienic conditions on the plane - and they often don't seem to be particularly appetizing.Aircraft secrets

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Tips for flying: don't touch anything!

The experienced flight attendant advises the guests not to touch the button on the aircraft toilet to rinse with their bare hands: "To be honest, it is quite unsanitary and disgusting."Instead, you should use a handkerchief or the like.

If you have a window seat, it is best not to lean your head against the window pane while sleeping."You are not the only one who does it and you don't know how many people or children have wiped off their hands or other things on the window," says Tommy.Therefore, many bacteria could be on the window.

See in the video: Travel bloggers show-this is how the secret sleep cabins from aircraft crews look.

Drink enough water

For the same reason, he does not think it is advisable to wear shorts on board - even if they can be much more comfortable than long pants on long flights.However, there is also a great risk to get unpleasant bacteria and germs, as many people have previously been sitting on the seat.In short, the tips can be summarized like this: As little skin contact with surfaces in the aircraft as possible.

It is also important to drink enough water, explains Tommy in the video.You should take about half a liter on every flight.If it still happens that you get sick during a flight or feel uncomfortable, you shouldn't hesitate to address the aircraft personnel: "We are there to help you."