Nina Proll is now Vespa testimonial-and what it thinks of the Corona vaccination

© Kurier/Gerhard German

Stars Austropromis06/11/2021

Two-bike and puncture: The mimin had Manfred Baumann photographed and spoke plain text about the covid vaccination.

von Stefanie Weichselbaum

With a screeching yellow welding tape, bright pink gumulas and lightning blue leggings, actress Nina Proll gymnastics on an earth-green Vespa and thus reminds almost a little of Olivia Newton-John in the music video "Physical".

On the occasion of the 75.Birthday of the legendary two -wheeler was now asked as a testimonial by photo artist Manfred Baumann in front of the lens to breathe in the Vespa on the journey through time across the decades.

Nina Proll and Manfred Baumann

© Bild: Kurier/Gerhard Deutsch

"Nina Proll has been driving Vespa for a very long time and has an affinity for the brand and Italian lifestyle, so we selected it for it," said Austria's Vespa General importer Josef Faber.

Josef Faber

© Bild: Kurier/Gerhard Deutsch

And the actress actually connects a lot with the vehicle."I've been driving with it since my 16.age.For me it was total independence for the first time, including the parents, because I could move freely anywhere I wanted."

And she can also get a lot from the Italian Dolce Vita: "For me, this is definitely good food, good music to enjoy life to the fullest and the films from the 1950s and 1960s with Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni", she told the courier.

Nina Proll ist jetzt Vespa-Testimonial - und was sie von der Corona-Impfung hält

And there is still one thing in common, the Proll and the two -wheeled vehicle share.Because when the fleet mobile pedestal was presented to the public for the first time, he once called a lot of mixed reactions.Yes, Proll also polarized.

"I think it is basically something positive when you cause reactions because that means that people deal with one.But especially recently, I have been increasingly finding that the polarizing person is getting stronger because the poles are moving away from each other and hardly communicating with each other.Of course I want more dialogue."

Just recently she solidarized with colleague Eva Herzig, who does not want to be vaccinated and for this reason lost her role in the "Styrian thriller".

"I believe that this can all meet us and that this is a problem that inevitably approaches us if we don't get the curve here.So if we don't really think about what we originally wanted with this vaccination, namely protecting the risk groups, "she made her clear opinion.

Incidentally, Nina Proll currently sees no reason to have the Jaukerl missed."But I'm not saying that I will not be vaccinated in two years.If it turns out that everything is really okay and safe, then of course - why not? "

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