Employees scared of their job - and the boss shows off Gucci

How am I supposed to pay my rent? Can I ever go on vacation? How am I supposed to make a living? These are the questions the Hamburg employees of the shipping company Aida Cruises are currently asking themselves.

"And of course wevisited the GucciStoreinCannes!", with these words Aida-Entertainment boss Borris Brandt on July 6th on Facebook from the south of France.

600 euros for a pair of Gucci shoes: Facebook post shows the expensive copy

Gucci.Gucci again and again.The 60-year-old, who used to be Germany boss of Endemol and program director at ProSieben, doesn't hide his love for the Italian premium brand. Regularly posted photos of his expensive new acquisitions.

BorrisBrandt also makes no secret of how much fun it is to him: a pair of premium sneakers costs 600 euros, Brandt reveals to the YouTuber “Lion”, who runs the format “How much is your outfit worth?” in the video channel.

Head of Aida EntertainmentHamburg: To go shopping at the NeuenWall

DemFashion-BloggerLionSalijevicwarBrandtamNeuenWallvordieKameragelaufen.BereitwilligbeantwortetderAida-ChefdabeidieFragenzuseinemOutfit:NebendenGucci-SchuhenträgtBrandtandemTagaucheineHosevonGucci(700Euro),einenGucci-Pullover(800Euro),eineJackevonLululemon(350Euro)sowieeineRolex-Uhr(6000Euro).„Outfitpreis:8450Euro“,resümiertderYouTuber.AuchdieMailänderFirmaPalmAngels,derenHoodiesschonmal1000Eurokostenkönnen,gehörezuseinenFavoriten,verrätBrandt.Und :"I get in a good mood when I put on cool clothes!"

Almost modestly, Brand points in the clip to his car parked on the side of the road. "I've spent my life with spectacular cars. I've put them all away now.

Cruise employees feel offended

These are sums of which these Aida employees who have been on short-time work for a year and a half can only dream.

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Aida boss deactivates his Facebook account
