Far Cry 6 Roadmap: Everything you need to know about the Season Pass, DLCs and free content

Among other things, Far Cry 6 gets a free mission with Rambo.

In Far Cry 6, as Dani Rojas, we are part of a guerrilla movement that is rebelling against the tyrannical dictator Antón Castillo. However, as in previous Far Cry games, the storyline will eventually come to an end. That doesn't mean we won't have anything to do in Far Cry 6 after that though.

For one, everyone who owns the Season Pass gets three DLCs and Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. So far, so well known. With the release of the roadmap, Ubisoft also announced that free content awaits us.

This article will be kept up-to-date with updates.Last update: February 4th, 2022 (normally, the third DLC about the villain Joseph Seed from Far Cry 5 should not be released until March. Ubisoft has now brought the release forward and will be bringing the last major DLC out on March 8th February. So only the last crossover mission with Stranger Things is missing.)

The latest trailer for the latest content in Far Cry 6:

0:46Far Cry 6 - New free crossover mission makes you Rambo

All Far Cry 6 Season Pass content

Three DLC episodes

In the three episodes we delve into the psyche of the insane villains from Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5. As explained by Ubisoft, Vaas Montenegro, Pagan Min and Joseph Seed will be played by the original cast.

All episodes rely on a Die and Retry experience. This means that we start with meager equipment and acquire better and better weapons and powers. The three DLCs can all be played in co-op with another person. The person does not need their own Season Pass for Far Cry 6 for this.

Far Cry 6-Roadmap: Alle Infos zum Season Pass, DLCs und Gratisinhalte

Far Cry 6 has a new villain in Anton Castillo. But there is also a reunion with Joseph, Vaas and Pagan thanks to the Season Pass.

Far Cry 6 DLC: Vaas - Madness

The first DLC for Far Cry 6, released on November 16, 2021, is all about the villain Vaas from Far Cry 3. You are trapped in his head and must survive against waves of opponents in the environments from the game . After each wave you can acquire better weapons to defend yourself against the increasingly powerful ones.

Vaas-style outfits for the main game await you as a reward. You can walk around in Vaas' clothes or unlock a bobblehead in your car.

Far Cry 6 DLC: Pagan Min - Control

The second, paid DLC for Far Cry 6 was released on January 11, 2022. This time, Pagan Min, the villain from Far Cry 4, is in the foreground. As with the first DLC, you must face off against waves of enemies to defeat the demons within Pagan Min's mind. Again and again there are story sequences about his wife Ishwari and his family, as well as why he is the way he is.

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

If you play Far Cry 6 on the console or Google Stadia, you will receive the Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: Classic Edition with the Season Pass. Here you can find our test of the standalone addon.

Blood Dragon set

The Blood Dragon set contains seven items for the main game:

Here is the full Far Cry 6 roadmap.

Far Cry 6 supplies are available even without a Season Pass

The following content is free for all Far Cry 6 players and can be played solo or in co-op.

The offers listed here are provided with so-called affiliate links. With a purchase via one of these links, you support GamePro: We receive a small commission from the provider without affecting the price.

Far Cry 6 + Steelbook (PS4 + PS5 upgrade)MediaMarkt69.99 €Far Cry 6 + Steelbook (Xbox One + Series X|S)MediaMarkt69.99 €

This trailer introduces the roadmap content again:

3:17Far Cry 6 - Roadmap trailer introduces free content and Season Pass

Far Cry 6 was released on October 7th, 2021 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Google Stadia and PC. The Season Pass is available individually or as part of the Gold, Ultimate, and Collector's Editions.

How do you like the contents of the Far Cry 6 roadmap?