Do women of generation z do on bisexual men?

Dear Gen-Z women,

The Isar flows through Munich.And there, at one point on the bank, in the evening, the city's cool kids have always gathered.The really cool!They have clothes and hairstyles that slap visually, and when you think you will finally know what is in.At this point I recently sat with a friend, nothing badly sensible.And suddenly we were surrounded by puberty, vapenders, sparkling with bottles of drinking young people who were dressed like us at 12, only much cool, ironic, clarified.

Leyla sagt zu ihrer Freundin: „Warum stehst du so auf den, der ist doch eh voll hetero!"

We watched their behavior fascinated and when Leyla* (16))) and Ruben* (15))) wanted to snork away cigarettes from us, we did not miss the chance to question this two -person zeitgeistoracle in baggyPants.They seemed as if they had only been waiting for someone to interview them about their youthfulness.Then touching sentences such as: "I think I will simply be successful artist.Such a 40-hour week is completely stupid! "And" I thought about selling nude pictures of me on only fans, safe-is my body."

Und dann: „Meine Freundin, die Jule, die steht halt mega auf den Tobi und ich check’s halt gar nicht und ich mein so zu ihr: Warum stehst du so auf den, der ist doch eh voll hetero!"

In the evening light the river flowed sluggishly but relentlessly and we felt very old. Mein Freund hakte nach: „Und … das ist dann nicht gut, dass der hetero ist?" – „Naja, eigentlich solltest du schon ein bisschen bi sein." Auf Nachfrage druckste Ruben heraus: „Ja, das ist schon so.So I don't know if I would really have sex with a man myself, so I've never had sex either, but I think I might be a little bit."

Nur, dass wir uns richtig verstehen – das hier soll kein alarmistischer „UND WAS KOMMT ALS NÄCHSTES??!!!"-Aufschrei sein.If actually those boys were now considered unattractive whose complete identity findings consist of making everyone clear how much they like team sports and that they are not gay - then I would find it pretty cool.(If that had existed in the past, I wouldn't have had to torture myself through a full season in the football club.)))

  1. When are you actually bisexual?

    Fabian and Jennifer are bisexual-and talk about clichés, bifeginality and how they have experienced their coming out.

  2. But, is this really the truth?Or just a completely unrepresentative sample?Is it now out to be just hetero?Does this mean that it is out to rule out everything except hetero?Or is it more about a certain style?Are simply colored hair, earrings and courage for gender conformity Hotter as a bathroom-boy behavior?At least more than with predecessor generations?And if so, all of this only takes place in an avant-garde city high school student: interior bubble or beyond?

    Bi-new greetings,

    Your millennial men

    The answer:

    Dear curious millennial men,

    I had to smile about your question first, then I was a little surprised.In fact, I've never thought about it.My past lover boys were almost exclusively hetero men.Nevertheless, it would be too easy to answer your question immediately.Spontaneously I would even say that I find bisexual men more attractive.But that's more of a feeling.So I started a small, non -representative survey among my friends.

    It has shown that the majority of them find bisexual men more attractive and exciting than men who are exclusively on female people read.But why?Here is my attempt to explain:

    People who are bisexual have inevitably deal with their sexuality and are quite likely because of this more sensitive to gender and sexist or queer -anti -clichés.Therefore, there is also a greater probability that bi men reflect toxic masculinity die - or in the best case overcome.Many young women think that's pretty good.We also combine many positive characteristics with bisexual men: they are enlightened, know what they want are brave.Because even today it is not a matter of course to come out as a BI.

    1. Lesbians, don't you like bisexual women?

      Our author feels attracted to women and men - but has respect for lesbians to ask for a date.Because it does not feel like a true part of the lesbian living environment.

    2. Bisexual men are also - at least according to our experiences - open and tolerant, and we think that's good anyway.In addition, that has to be said so clearly here: two men who build together are simply very hot.The knowledge has been going on since the ELITE series at the latest.And the icing on the cake is that you can sit wonderfully in the cafe with a bisexual friend and talk about other hot men.

      Of course there are also many women who don't care who your boyfriend or sex partner is still like. „Es würde mich überhaupt nicht stören, wenn er bisexuell ist, ich finde es aber auch nicht attraktiver" –so hieß es im Whatsapp-Chat meiner Mädchengang.

      The typical hetero walking is for the respondents Gen-Z girls out

      And, that is part of the truth too - I also found a few friends who cannot necessarily imagine a relationship with a bisexual man.However, their reasons are more based on clichés that bisexual people often hear.For example, that the potential to be cheated is twice as high for bi men, or the fear that he is actually gay and does not like women at all.

      I showed the survey that your sexuality does not matter to us.Be a hetero, but don't stop machos.Because attractiveness has nothing to do with sexual orientation, but with it, like cool, enlightened, confident and sensitive to you are.

      But one thing is certain: the typical hetero walking is for the respondents Gen-Z girls out.We definitely don't want old -fashioned, not emancipated men.We do not look for men who hold traditional role models up, find sexism normally or define themselves through their car.Enlightened women are looking for enlightened men.

      I hope you can do something with it.In the name of my gang, I say: Thank you for the food for thought!In our WhatsApp group there is still discussion.

      Your still thinking and not quite determined together

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