TV soaps: The preview for Friday (November 19, 2021) |

Anke can't really enjoy her luck with Florian.She constantly tortures herself with useless questions: Why does he just give her a bracelet like that?Why the roses?Carla warns: Love can also destroy too much distrust!Katrin is far from being over Florian and therefore tries to avoid the couple Anke and Florian.At the same time, the desire becomes greater to be financially independent.

3:10 p.m., the first: Storm of love

Majas and Florian's big day came.After a romantic wedding on their magical tree, the two freshly married celebrated a lavish festival at the lake together with their guests.Vanessa is shocked by Max 'revelation.When he can't even promise her that he will ever think differently about family planning, Vanessa travels to her training camp prematurely.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

Paco will Nika vor der Wahrheit, dass Luke Popovic umgebracht hat, beschützen. Doch eine Nachricht von der Polizei durchkreuzt Pacos Pläne. Als Corinna klar wird, dass Monika & Co. das Collier loswerden wollen, geht sie pragmatisch ans Werk: Sie bietet das Schmuckstück im Darknet an. Till und Mareike sind von ihrem unverhofften Kuss überrumpelt. Während Mareike es nicht wahrhaben will, gesteht Till sich die gegenseitige Anziehung ein.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Jenny doesn't trust Caroline when she learns about her interest in the Finance Group.Jenny makes a mistake in front of her.Chiara is reminded of the expectations by Simone, which is loaded as a advertising point of view for "Battle on Ice".The pressure increases increasingly to her head.Lucie is angry that Richard Henning gave a job in the center.She draws a border between Henning and herself.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times