Study: Why a lot of make-up on the face presses career opportunities

If you want to make a career as a woman, you should possibly hold back with Mascara and Lipstift.At least a study by the Scottish Abertay University wants to have found that out.Accordingly.

Studie: Warum viel Make-up im Gesicht die Karrierechancen drückt

For the study, the scientists showed 16 different pairs of pictures.The lady did not wear make-up on one, on the other it was heavily made up.Then the experimental participants should decide which of the two women would be the better manager.Both men and gender comrades had tended to discuss the skilked women more of the qualities.For the experiment, the photos were manipulated with image editing software.

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As is always the case with studies, the result of previous work in this area seems to refute."While earlier results indicate that we tend to add us to women with a good-looking face, this new study shows that make-up does not increase the dominance in the work of a woman," says one of the psychologists involved on the university's homepagequoted.This is "a good example of the diverse and interesting research in the field of psychology".