Dolly Parton celebrates Independence Day with a special outfit

And now the 75-year-old, who incidentally is also singer Miley Cyrus' godmother, has proven that you can be a patriotic American - but you don't have to celebrate the national holiday on July 4th dead seriously and pathetically. The country music legend found a better way, which her countless fans also loved.


Founding of the USAHe designs lightning rods, maps the Gulf Stream – and launches the USA: Benjamin Franklin

Dolly Parton celebrated the 4th of July in her own way

On her Instagram account, Parton shared a photo of herself in a skintight, glittery American flag suit with a cheeky hat. The make-up is perfect as always. The outfit is a mixture of the elegance of the 40s and the cheeky looks of Fran Drescher in the sitcom "The Nanny". As shrill as the visual greeting to the fans may be, Dolly Parton's message is succinct and heartfelt: "Have a happy and safe July 4th."

Your fans are used to Parton's lovable eccentricity, the exuberant glamor and self-mockery, of course - and they love the 75-year-old for that. In addition, Parton has been socially committed for decades, repeatedly donating large sums of money to aid projects and verbally speaking up for oppressed minorities. "Forever a queen," commented the fans on Instagram. Or, "This is the only kind of July 4th content I like!" One user sums it up in a single word: "Icon!"

Source: Instagram