Art Garfunkel Jr.: Special birthday present for the father

Art Garfunkel JR has.Numerous stars brought to the side, including Marianne Rosenberg (66), Eloy de Jong (48), Ross Antony (47), Bernhard Brink (69) - and of course his father Art Garfunkel personally.In an interview with the news agency Spot on News, the 30-year-old tells how similar to his father, what he wishes him for his birthday and how the family will celebrate the festival.

Her debut album is also her birthday present to your father.What was his reaction to it?

Art Garfunkel JR.: My father was completely enthusiastic.He is more the man who appreciates emotional values higher than material, so my idea really touched him.He sees my album as I wanted it to be: as a tribute to him - my great father.He immediately told me that this project shows him how great my love is for him.

What do you wish for your father's birthday?

Gar radio jr.: I wish my father inner peace, especially health and many more great appearances in interesting cities, countries and stages worldwide with a large audience.My father lives for the stage, the music is his one and everything!

Art Garfunkel JR.: Besonderes Geburtstagsgeschenk für den Vater

How will you spend your birthday?

Gar radio jr.: Since my father is not the big birthday person, we will rather do something at home.We have a good family friend who plays piano and is often a guest with us.He will definitely come to his birthday.Then we all go into the room where our piano is, he accompanies us and we all sing together out of pure lust together.It is always great fun!

Was bedeuten Ihnen die Hits von Simon & Garfunkel persönlich und wie kam es dazu, dass Sie die Songs auf Deutsch singen?

Gar radio jr.: My father's hits have a huge meaning for me.I grew up with them and they are now part of me - like the German language.The possibility of being able to put two such great things together with my whole passion is an incredibly good feeling.I always knew that my father's songs could sound good in German.And my father's great reaction, when he first listened to the record, naturally provided me with a final confirmation.

They got big stars to their side, including René Kollo and Ross Antony.How was it to work with you?

Gar radio jr.: I had the chance to record this album with great artists last year.I was really thrilled at how down to earth and facing everyone was to me.Maybe we were just lucky or selected them well.But it is much more important for me that everyone said yes to my project.And I'm really grateful for that.Incidentally, I thought it was great how two English -language people like Ross and I almost always spoke together in German in the studio.

Her father took her to his tours as a child.How has she shaped this life to this day?

Gar radio jr.: This way of life made me a very efficient traveler (laughs).With such a tour life you learn a lot about logistics and how to get the easiest and most economical from A to B.I can adapt well new situations and environments and can quickly cope with new people with different backgrounds.

What are you particularly grateful for your father?

Gar radio jr.: I am grateful to him that he always supports me infinitely in everything to this day.I grew up in a wonderful loving atmosphere.My father is always there for me and wanted me to have my own experiences and to live out my passions according to my ideas.That could have been music or work as a gardener or everything else."The main thing is that you are a good person," he said."Always give yourself every effort in what you do!"Really true words from a great father!

In which things are you similar to your father, to what extent do you differ?

Gar radio jr.: We have a similar humor.We notice that immediately when we come together again and again.We just feel that we probably get on better than everyone else.Of course we are not completely one, but we are already very similar.Each of us has a little bit of other key.In addition, we both share a similar love for hiking and simply being in the country in general.

In which situations did your motto "pay attention to your thoughts - you are the beginning of your actions" already helped?

Gar radio jr.: Like any other person, I am not always in a good mood or happy.Of course I also have my low points and I have noticed over the past few years how far you can get with positive thinking.A positive way of thinking can convert all day to an advantage - and exactly the other way around in negative thinking.This does not mean that you have to walk through the area with a smile or do not find out about current events in order to be optimistic.But I think you can get far with a private inner joy and positive basic attitude.You have to decide every morning: I want beautiful things to determine my life or do I want to promote negativity?You can be positive and yet soberly thinking at the same time!

In the meantime they live in Europe.How often do you still visit the United States?Why did you move your center of life to Germany and Switzerland?

Gar radio jr.: It is always different for me, but I am usually three times a year in the USA.Yes, I came to Europe at a very early age.I made all important experiences on the way to growing up.Of course that shapes you very strongly.On top of that, I like in Europe that I have the opportunity to travel so easily from one country to the next, to feel different cultures and ways of life.I think we should really appreciate what we have here in Europe.