Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs have a fabulous week from January 10th to 16th

During the week of January 10th to 16th, a waxing moon gives us the necessary motivation to pursue new projects with a lot of energy and to approach our personal goals with great commitment. Above all, the signs of the zodiac Aries, Taurus and Gemini, which the moon will pass through in the coming week, will feel this influence, whereby Gemini could feel driven and restless in an almost unpleasant way.

The retrograde planet Venus offers favorable conditions for ordering and examining relationships. Who do you really connect with? Who do you hang out with out of habit or a sense of duty? Of course, the answers you give now are not set in stone, after all, relationships can change at any time and what happens under the influence of planetary retrogression rarely lasts forever anyway. But gaining clarity about the current status quo clears your head and makes decisions easier.

Pluto makes us sensitive and impressionable during this second week of the year. Events that we now perceive as overly important or significant may not be nearly as dramatic as they seem.

Horoskop: 3 Sternzeichen haben vom 10. bis 16. Januar eine fabelhafte Woche

The following zodiac signs have particularly auspicious stars in the week of January 10-16.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that will have a fabulous week starting January 10th


Pisces feel an exhilarating thirst for action this week and get a significant boost of energy to go with it. You now see your fellow human beings clearly and realistically. Not only is this pleasant and can be painful, but it will protect you from disappointment later and make it easier for you to act and make decisions in your best interest. You are currently communicating unequivocally and determine what the people around you value. Because that way they know exactly where they stand with you.


Leos can make important decisions this week and organize their living conditions, both professionally and privately. You now intuitively include the decisive factors in your considerations: your experiences, possibilities and probabilities, your priorities and the most important future goals. You currently have your life firmly under control and are setting the course for things to develop in your interest.


Virgos are extraordinarily romantic this week for their standards and tend to glorify the world and love a bit. Feel free to do so: Harmony and unity are currently dominating your relationships anyway. Professionally, a cool head is now required - normally no problem for you, at the moment it may be a bit difficult. But who needs success at work when things are going great privately, right?