Halloween Make-Up : With lipstick and coffee creamer

Scars, blood, burns: this is how you get your scary-beautiful make-up for the Halloween party yourself.

by Kristin Kruthaup October 29, 2016, 4:00 p.m

At a Halloween party, make-up scars, bloody wounds and burns are real eye-catchers. The make-up artist Robert Schmermer from Cologne reveals a few tricks for creating the scary look yourself:



fake blood

Hobby hobbyistsmix sugar and water in a ratio of 1:1.

With blue eyeshadow, Halloween partygoers can, for example, apply blue eye make-up and some fake blood.


To create artificial burns, it is best to buy some latex milk.

You dab the milk onto your skin with a little sponge. This creates a kind of second skin.

Not for drivers: colored contact lenses
Red devil eyes, glowing cat lenses and the inscrutable gaze of a witch: for Halloween, costumes are often completed with colored contact lenses. The Central Association of Opticians and Optometrists warns against wearing such lenses for too long. DieaufderVerpackungangegebeneTragedauersollteeingehaltenwerden.GenerellempfehlenFachleute,eineTragezeitvonsechsbisachtStundenamStücknichtzuüberschreiten.Motiv-LinsensinddemVerbandzufolgeauchnichtfürdieNutzungimStraßenverkehrgeeignet:MeisthabedieÖffnungderLinsefürdiePupillenureinenDurchmesservonrundfünfMillimetern–inderDunkelheitweitetsichdiePupilleallerdingsaufbiszuachtMillimeter.Dasbedeutet,dassbeimAuto-oderFahrradfahrenimKostümzuspäterStundedasSichtfeldunddamitdieseitlicheWahrnehmungeingeschränktist.
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