What role does writing play in branding?|Special |Strong brands |W&V

"Scripture is form and translates the character of a brand"

Welche Rolle spielt Schrift im Branding? | Special | Starke Marken | W&V

Robert Zwettler, managing partner at Docten Studios

Scriptures are often overlooked.It is simply perceived as text.It is shape!And it translates the character of a brand.Scripture is just as much an identity carrier as logo or color or shape.A concise or even individual font contributes to differentiation and enables recognition.With us, writing is selected with a lot of care and we think very carefully about the role it should play in the appearance.Should it be easy to read?Should she illustrate?Or should it convey a certain character?And then she can be emotionally, factual, crazy, time -worn ....