These healthy protein snacks will help you lose weight

Losing weight works faster when you control your calorie intake and eat a diet full of healthy meals and portion-sized snacks. But eating the right foods and the right amounts of them every day can be a huge challenge. A good strategy is to always have a few servings of healthy protein snacks in the fridge. That way, you'll always have a quick and nutritious bite to hand when the cravings hit. Store the protein snacks in single-serving containers so you're not tempted to eat more than you should. Then place the containers on the front shelf of your fridge so they're the first thing you see when you open the door.

9 delicious protein snacks from the fridge

1. Edamame


A serving of edamame consists of 100 grams of prepared (i.e. steamed) soybeans. Store each serving of edamame in an individual microwavable container so you can take it out of the fridge and pop it in the microwave when you're hungry. A single serving of this healthy protein snack provides a whopping 17 grams of protein and is also a great source of fiber.

2. Cottage cheese


If you prefer a healthy protein snack that's creamy, stock up on cottage cheese (also known as cream cheese). One serving (100 grams) of cottage cheese with 2% milkfat provides 11 grams of protein. For example, you can eat the cottage cheese with some berries or with steamed vegetables to add more healthy nutrients and fiber. However, keep in mind that cottage cheese is high in sodium. So if you're watching your salt intake, this might not be the best choice for a healthy protein snack.

3. Chilled shrimp

Cooked and chilled shrimp are great protein snacks when you want (need) something light but meaty to snack on. A single serving of 7-8 shrimp contains 18 grams of protein. However, the exact number of shrimp in a serving depends on the size and type of shrimp you buy.

Please remember that shrimp are very perishable. Cooked shrimp stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to three days. It's best to buy frozen shrimp, then set up individual serving containers of 3 or 4 medium sized shrimp. Add a lemon wedge to each and refrigerate to thaw. Consume this snack within a day or two.

4. Greek yogurt

When you're in the mood for something creamy and sweet, Greek yogurt proves to be a good high-protein snack. A single serving (200 grams) of this provides 20 grams of protein, which is twice as much as regular yogurt. It is also a good source of calcium. However, if you're watching your sugar intake, stick with plain, unsweetened yogurt. Add a few fresh berries or a teaspoon of honey to sweeten the protein snack a bit.

Tip: Please note that the different brands of Greek yoghurt can have different protein contents. We therefore recommend that you read the nutritional information in the supermarket to choose the right yoghurt for your diet.

5. Cheese

Most cheeses are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. So when you need an easy, high-protein snack between meals, cheese is a great choice. We recommend the coarsely grated version as it's easier to enjoy on the go. A single 30 gram serving of shredded mozzarella, for example, provides 8 grams of protein and will keep you full and satisfied until your next meal.

6. Cold cut sausage

Cold cuts are a simple and tasty snack when you're hungry between meals. The problem with this, however, is that some varieties are very high in fat. Popular cold cuts such as salami or Lyoner are full of protein, but also full of fat.

Always consider portion size when eating these meats. Most of us store sausages in the bags we get from the butcher or in the boxes from the supermarket. But if you do, it's easy to overeat at snack time. So it's better to take a minute to create mini snack bags with an individual portion of meat and maybe a few vegetable sticks that you can simply take out of the fridge and enjoy when you're hungry.

It is best to choose chicken, turkey, ham or roast beef. A serving of about 50 grams or 3-4 slices of these meats provides 9 to 13 grams of lean protein.

7. Hard boiled egg

Hard boiled eggs are easy to prepare and store. They stay fresh in the fridge for up to a week. A large hard-boiled egg provides 6 grams of protein. If you're careful about your saturated fat intake, you can eat hard-boiled eggs without the yolk. Enjoy the protein on its own or add a scoop of homemade hummus for extra protein and flavor.

8. Tuna

Tuna is a great source of protein and there are so many ways to cook and eat it. If you like sushi-style raw tuna, you can eat a single serving (1 piece of tuna sashimi, or about 30 grams) of this high-protein fish to get 7 grams of protein.

Since fresh tuna doesn't keep long in the fridge, you can prepare it ahead of time and store it in portion bags. So you can eat the fish right out of the bag or toss it on a bed of lettuce with a squeeze of lemon. Alternatively, you can of course eat canned tuna, but make sure you buy it canned in water and not in oil to avoid unnecessary fat.

9. Chocolate milk

Would you like chocolate? A glass of chocolate milk is a good, protein-rich snack and is also great for post-workout recovery. A 250 milliliter glass contains 8 grams of protein, which is even more than an egg. But be careful. It's easy to drink more than a single serving of chocolate milk. Since you probably won't be keeping this high-protein snack in single servings, just be mindful of the size of the glass you're pouring the milk into and don't be tempted to enjoy a second glass.