Employers in Japan prohibit women to wear glasses

Getty Images / Attsushi Yamada

Numerous employers in Japan prohibit their employees to wear glasses during working hours.Those affected are said to be employees who have direct customer contact in industries such as retail and beauty clinics.

While glasses wearing always have to struggle with prejudices and teases, the bans bring the disadvantage to another level.

A young Japanese woman who wants to remain anonymous reports, for example, Business Insider Japan that she works as a receptionist in a department store and was asked by her superiors to do without her glasses.In her role as a customer advisor, she answers questions and helps customers with strollers and wheelchairs.

"When my supervisor informed me of the message, it worked as if the ban was something completely normal," said the Japanese woman."I then thought that we are not allowed to wear glasses to look feminine."

Getty Images / Shuji Kobayashi

„Je länger ich darüber nachdenke, desto mehr glaube ich, dass wir alle einheitlich aussehen sollen — wie ein Sportteam", ergänzt sie.

The young woman states to work around eight hours five days a week.If you include her daily commuting, she wears her contact lenses to the twelve hours a day.Through drought and fatigue, your eyes usually begin to pain after a certain time.A fact that she tries to endure with closed eyes during her break times.

„Es gibt Tage, an denen jede Augenbewegung schmerzt", sagt die Japanerin."On many days I wish to simply wear glasses."

„Während meiner ersten Jahren im Unternehmen wurde mir immer wieder mitgeteilt, dass ich süßer und weiblicher aussehen muss", so die Quelle.

Strict regulations for make-up, hair color and mouth protection

Any make-up that employers considered unconservative is also prohibited-from glittering eyeshadow to dark lipsticks to artificial eyelash extensions.

According to the guidelines, the hair color of the employees must also meet the wishes of the company.If a supervisor becomes aware of a violation, this usually results in a warning.

Face masks that are pulled over the mouth and nose are very popular in Japan.As a rule, it is considered respectful to protect fellow citizens from possible diseases such as colds.However, the company of the Japanese company also banned the employees these masks.

Arbeitgeber in Japan verbieten Frauen, Brillen zu tragen

Female colleagues of the young woman who work as sales assistants is still permitted to wear glasses and facial masks.At the moment, male employees are excluded from the prohibitions.

Chung sung-jun/getty images

In her previous activity in another company, the Japanese had to struggle with similar prohibitions.While male receptionists were allowed to put on their glasses, it was forbidden to use visual aid.

"It seems as if women are only judged by their beauty and feminine. Ich kann das einfach nicht nachvollziehen", so die junge Frau.

In addition, she adds: "I guess my job in customer service, the work fulfills me with pride.However, I don't just want to be rated for my appearance.Rather, my appearance and behavior towards customers should be important.I want the regulations to be checked."

Japanese guides recommend switching to contact lenses

A look at the advisor of Japanese job mediation agencies shows that the prohibitions are a widespread problem.It is not uncommon for advisors to advise female applicants to switch to contact lenses before interviews.According to the agencies, glasses are more difficult to interpret facial expressions.In the worst case, applicants could be perceived as cool and unfriendly.

Laut einer Umfrage von Business Insider Japan wird japanischen Frauen im Einzelhandel fast immer ein „strenges Regelbuch vorgelegt, das Haarfarbe, Nägel und Brillen umfasst".A respondent who works in the hospitality industry states that your employer establishes the glasses ban with the argument of increased hygiene.Other participants report on superiors who generally do not like glasses -bearing women.

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Employees in beauty clinic particularly affected

The beauty industry is considered another opponent of the glasses in the workplace.A 32-year-old nurse reports on similar prohibitions from her employer.The guidelines of the beauty clinic prohibit the wearing of glasses during working hours.Her colleagues now use aids to avoid severe pain. „Viele meiner Kolleginnen benutzen Augentropfen, andere unterziehen sich sogar einer Laser-Operation", so die anonyme Quelle.

In order to create a natural look and a healthy complexion, the Japanese company suggested that the relevant treatments.

„Mir wurde gesagt, dass dieser Schritt zu besseren Kundenzahlen und zu einem verstärkten Selbstbewusstein führen würde", so die 32-Jährige."At the university clinic we were assessed according to technology and knowledge, while beauty clinics put the appearance in the foreground.I was employed as a nurse, but I felt more like a doll."

Women set signs against prohibitions

After more than six years, the young Japanese terminated her job in the beauty clinic.She justifies her decision with the intention of wanting to set an example: "I gave up the job to send a message that confirms all women in Asia."

This attitude symbolizes a movement that finds more and more followers in countries like South Korea.Women from numerous industries begin to defend themselves against the bans by provocative make -up with short hair for work.

The South Korean news spokeswoman Lim Hyeon-Ju attracted special attention when she appeared in a TV transmission with glasses and the movement awarded additional thrust.

This article was translated and edited by Konstantin Berger.You can find the original here.